The second Permaculture Design principle is ‘Each Element Performs Many Functions’.

To maximize efficiency in a design, every element is selected and placed to serve multiple functions. Achieving this requires a thorough understanding of each element’s properties, especially if the element is a plant or animal. This includes understanding its needs, outputs, attributes, optimal conditions, and tolerances.

A practical approach is to conduct a ‘functional analysis‘ which identifies an element’s needs, products, behaviours, and intrinsic characteristics. For plants, this involves examining aspects such as:

  • Form: Lifestyle (annual or perennial), deciduousness (deciduous or evergreen), and physical structure (ground cover, shrub, tree, or vine) including height.
  • Tolerances: Light requirements (shade, partial shade, or full sun), preferred habitat (dry, moist, or wet), elevation (low or high), climate adaptability (arid, temperate, subtropical, or tropical), and soil preferences (type and pH).
  • Uses: Functions such as edibility, medicinal value, animal forage, soil improvement (e.g., nitrogen-fixing, cover cropping), and environmental protection (e.g., erosion control, windbreaks).

An Example of Functional Analysis

Let’s consider the Willow tree as an example for carrying out a functional analysis:

Form: Deciduous, weeping habit, can grow up to 30m tall, fast-growing, and short-lived. It propagates easily from cuttings.

Tolerances: Thrives in full sun and moist, well-draining soil. Commonly found near streams and in damp areas, salt-tolerant, and adaptable to various soils and pH levels.

Uses: The various uses of willow trees are detailed below in the following categories.

  • Medicinal Source: The bark of the white willow contains salicin, a chemical similar to aspirin. This compound is used for treating pain, headaches, and inflammatory conditions.
  • Material for Construction and Manufacturing: Willow wood is utilized to make furniture, cricket bats, tool handles, and toys. It’s also used in wood turning and for crafting wood veneers. Additionally, willows provide wicker for weaving baskets and making fish traps. The fibers from willow wood are used to produce rope, string, and paper. Artists commonly use willow charcoal for drawing.
  • Energy Source: Willow is cultivated for biomass, a renewable energy source that helps reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and petroleum products.
  • Ecological and Environmental Uses:
    • Riparian Buffers: Willows serve as natural barriers that prevent chemicals from entering streams, ponds, and lakes.
    • Phytoremediation: Willows help clean up toxins from contaminated sites.
    • Wastewater Management (Biofiltration): These trees filter contaminants from wastewater, making them suitable for use in ecological wastewater treatment systems.
    • Environmental Protection and Preservation: Willows are employed for land reclamation, streambank stabilization, slope stabilization, soil erosion control, and construction of shelterbelts and windbreaks.
    • Environmental Reconstruction: They are used for creating wetlands and enhancing wildlife habitats.
    • Gardening: Willows are useful in constructing hedges, living fences, and other garden structures.
    • Living Snow Fences: Strategically planted willows trap drifting snow, aiding in snow management.
  • Agricultural Uses: Farmers utilize willows as forage for livestock, providing a sustainable feeding option.
  • Horticultural Uses: Willow bark contains natural growth hormones beneficial for rooting new plant cuttings.

These diverse applications highlight willow trees’ versatility and significant contribution to sustainable practices across various fields.

Practical Application of Functional Analysis in a Rural Setting

Using the information gained from this functional analysis, we can design a practical application of the Willow tree, and apply the principle of ‘Each Element Performs Many Functions’.


On a steep slope next to a creek bank adjoining a farm, planting willows can address multiple issues. The tree’s extensive root system stabilizes the bank and mitigates erosion from rainwater runoff. The roots also extend into the water, providing habitat for fish and filtering contaminants from farm runoff. Above ground, the dense canopy offers evaporative cooling and wind protection, enhancing the microclimate and supporting local wildlife. The willow also serves as a natural forage source and provides shaded shelter for farm animals such as sheep.

This example demonstrates how one element, the willow, can perform a multitude of functions, effectively applying the principle that ‘Each Element Performs Many Functions’ in permaculture design.

Applying Functional Analysis in Urban Garden Design

An excellent demonstration of functional analysis can be seen in the setup of a grapevine trellis in an urban backyard garden. This example showcases how each element serves multiple purposes, enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of the space.

This is what it looks like in real life, when first built:

Here’s the same system, fully grown:


This diagram shows the layout of the garden bed design.


Each of the elements (components) of this design and the multiple functions they serve are described in further detail below.

Grapevine Trellis

The grapevine supported on it’s north-south oriented trellis performs the following functions.

  • Climate Control: The grapevine provides shade for two 2.4mx1.2m (8’x4′) vegetable beds, protecting them from the harsh western sun and strong winds.
  • Microclimate Creation: Transpiration from the leaves increases the humidity around the plant, which creates a favorable microclimate for the strawberries planted underneath.
  • Organic Mulch: In autumn, the falling leaves from the grapevine act as natural mulch for the strawberries.
  • Food Production: The vine produces both grapes and edible vine leaves, contributing to the garden’s yield.


The strawberry plants which form an low-growing plant understory beneath the grape vine perform the following functions.

  • Ground Cover: The strawberries serve as a living mulch, conserving soil moisture and reducing water evaporation during hot months.
  • Edible Produce: They provide a delicious crop of strawberries.

Companion Planting

To support the grapevine, Citronella Geranium and Hyssop are planted on either side of the trellis.

  • Citronella Geranium: This plant acts as a natural insect repellent, when the leaves are rubbed against the leaves release aromatic oils which are mosquito repellent, ideal for evening gardening sessions.
  • Hyssop: This companion plant functions as a trap crop, serving as a decoy to lure shield bugs (harlequin bugs) away from other garden plants, while it withstands and recovers from pest attacks. Additionally, it is recognized for its medicinal properties in traditional herbalism, especially in treating lung ailments, thereby enhancing both the utility and diversity of the garden.

Trellis Utilisation

Beyond supporting the grapevine, the trellis serves additional roles. In the grapevine’s dormant period in winter, it supports climbing peas, facilitating succession planting—a core principle of permaculture that ensures continuous productivity all year round.

This example underlines the importance of deeply understanding the nature and potential of each element used. Knowing the plants’ needs and behaviours is crucial for creating effective designs.

Designing with life means integrating living systems thoughtfully and respectfully, aligning with the inherent harmony and efficiency of nature.

Requirements for Effective Functional Permaculture Design

In order to produce functional and effective designs, we need to thoroughly understand:

  1. The nature of the elements we are designing with, and
  2. The range of elements available that we can possibly use in a design situation,
  3. The reason and justification for using each and every elements from the range of choices available.

In functional design, unlike aesthetic design, every design element must have an objective justification. Consequently, we should be able to articulate the reasons for including a particular element, as well as our rationale for preferring one element over another.

The Importance of Plant Knowledge in Permaculture Design

Designing effective permaculture food production systems primarily involves an in-depth understanding of plants. If we are not already familiar with the intricate details of plant life, we should start as soon as possible. Permaculture design requires a high level of horticultural expertise, which can only be acquired through sustained interaction with plants. In essence, the quality of our designs will correlate directly with our depth of knowledge about plants and the diversity of species we are familiar with. Remember, plants are more than just decorative elements; they are living entities crucial to the ecosystem.

When designing, we are working with life itself. Without a thorough understanding of this life—its needs, behaviors, and interactions—we cannot effectively design living ecosystems.

Ultimately, a deep and genuine connection with nature enriches our designs, mirroring nature’s own harmony and efficiency. This connection is essential for creating sustainable and productive permaculture gardens that thrive in natural balance.

29 thoughts on “Permaculture Design Principle 2 – Each Element Performs Many Functions

  1. I was so inspired when I saw your garden in Geoff Lawtons video ‘Urban Permaculture’ and now I am really enjoying your blog. Thanks alot.

  2. Bonjour, je vous remercie normment de partager toute cette information. Je consulte de nombreux sites sur la permaculture et vous tes le premier site aussi prcis, aussi pdagogique, aussi agrable, aussi fourni d’informations. Merci de tout coeur. Vronique

  3. I am forever gratefull for this blog. I’m starting many gardening experiment this year and I’m really interested in exploring what I can do. (Gonna try some Huglekultur on poor sandy-rocky ground and plant clover on each bed to test out the most efficient one)

    1. General gardening books and horticulture texts, it’s hard to be specific, I read a lot on gardening because I work part time as a professional horticulturist, it’s what I do for work.

  4. Awesome idea with your grape vines. I need to remember your usage of Citronella Geranium and Hyssop. Last fall I moved in 4 4 x 6 raised garden beds in the orchard area of my backyard. (My yard is small but very intensive!) I attached 2 4×4 x 10 (tall) pressure treated beams on the outside of each box and drilled holes large enough to run rebar through for the grape trellis. In each box I planted a table grape and a Jostaberry. Now the grapes can grow up into the fruit trees and the trellis supports tree branches when they get heavy with fruit, the Jostaberry’s have a protective wire cage around them and I have room to still plant/seed in about 5 large seasonal veggies all around.

  5. Thank you so much for putting specific plants in there, some of the information I have read is not specific like this.

  6. Thanks for a lovely and informative site! You mention an urgency to intimately know your plants along with a high competency in horticulture. How might I go about doing so? Are these things I can learn in books, higher education or certificates (there are many free sites online) or is it first-hand knowledge. I am eager to transform my backyard but don’t know where to begin. It’s a bit overwhelming.

    1. A lot can be gained from hands-on experience – grow the plants that you want to grow, and read about them to learn more about them, then put into practice what you’ve just learned. After a few seasons of care, you’ll have great first-hand knowledge about growing the plants you love! Self-study and formal education are options also if they appeal to you.

  7. Wonderful! We are just about to buy our next and hopefully final home… Ive been tinkering with growing veg for while ( parents have grown veg off and on since 1970s). I have finally understood the brilliance of permaculture. My question is .. how do you marry in Australian flora? Ive got a fabulous native garden at Present ( thanks mum!) and am eating our Lilypilly hedge and foraging etc…. I feel torn between what I feel our land needs and my body thats very much used to northern hemisphere vegetables, fruits etc… Do I have a food forest out the back and a native garden in the front for local flora and fauna? Is that a good compromise?

    1. You can plant Australian native and indigenous plants right through any garden as long as the plants aren’t phosphorus-sensitive. Many Australian plants, to varying degrees, have the ability to take up phosphorus very efficiently from very poor soils, so if they’re put into very phosphorus rich soil they get poisoned from taking up too much. I have quite a few planted in my food forest, and the rest in pots and containers.

      In my opinion, my ideal is food forest in the backyard and a native garden in the front as you mention. The native garden will be in flower at times when exotic plants won’t be, and will provide a valuable source of nectar for bees and birds, as well as habitat for native fauna.

  8. Nice blog, i found you be seen Geoff Lawton Q&As from quarentine.
    When you say that we must get a better knowledge of our plant, What book o webside do you recommend for that purpose?

    Regards and thanks for share your knowledge

    1. Thanks for your comment! The way to better know plants is by growing them for at least a year through all four seasons. Books, workshops and online sources are an excellent source of valuable information which is required to begin with to start you off in the right direction, but true knowledge comes from first-hand growing experience, seeing how plants respond to various conditions season after season, experimenting to see what makes them grow best. Gardening is a journey of lrearning and discovery, and that’s what makes it so enjoyable! ?

      1. Hi Angelo, thank for your comment. I have being growing plants for a long time now, but still some are hard to figure out, like why tomatoes get brown leaves in middle summer.

        Thanks for your page

      2. When I encounter a plant problem that I can’t figure out, I go and do some research! I check my gardening books, or go online and check out the information put out by government and university agriculture departments and other reliable authoritative sources. I also ask people who know more about that particular area than I do. This is a process of self-education, with each new thing you learn, your knowledge base grows, and then you are able to share that knowledge with others!

  9. Thank you for the informative post! Im looking to turn my garden into permaculture garden (about 300-400sqm usable lan). I only have very limited experience with growing plant. So should I spend a few years get to know plants by growing them first or should I get some permaculture design for the garden first?

    Thank you

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